Affiliate Dragons
Minimum payment150$
Number of offersover 1000
Payment methodsCPA and CPI
Frequency of paymentsWeekly or upon request

Affiliate Dragons offers affiliates a strategic platform to thrive in the dynamic affiliate marketing landscape. The platform utilizes advanced algorithms and real-time data analytics to optimize advertising campaigns, providing affiliates with the necessary tools to maximize reach and enhance campaign performance.

Special Features encompass payouts made upon request, a user-friendly admin panel, in-depth traffic statistics, first-line customer support, timely notifications about operator-side maintenance activities, individual partner services, beginner support and recommendations, a built-in tracker, a guaranteed rate increase for large traffic volumes of better quality, custom landing pages, exclusive offers upon partner request.

Payouts have a minimum withdrawal amount of 150$, and money is transferred weekly or up on request (weekly) to payment systems including Capitalist, USDT, Ad networks, and Contract (OOO/IE).

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