
1 min

Popunder is an advertising network specialising in the popunder ad format. Popunder allows webmasters and advertisers to maximise traffic revenue and increase audience reach. Popunder also offers a wide range of additional ad formats, including banners and video ads, allowing you to create highly effective advertising campaigns.

The platform provides detailed analytics and deep targeting to attract high-quality, targeted traffic. Webmasters can count on a stable income due to the high price per thousand impressions and a variety of advertisers.

Popunder also guarantees fraud protection and privacy standards, making it a reliable partner for all users.

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We’re not just a group of anonymous affiliate marketing experts; we’re a close-knit team that’s been working together for over a decade. Our journey began at the inception of affiliate marketing, where we laid the foundation for the very first networks and offers. If you’ve ever been intrigued by affiliate marketing case studies, chances are you’ve already come across our work.