
Minimum payment300$
Payment structureCPA, CPL SOI/DOI, CPI, CPS, RevShare
Payment methodsCapitalist, PayPal, WebMoney, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, USDT (Tether), Litecoin
Number of offersover 3000

Olimob employs advanced algorithms and real-time data analytics to optimize mobile advertising campaigns, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness. This technology-driven approach is a compelling feature for affiliates seeking a data-driven and high-performance affiliate marketing solution.

Special Features include two synchronized custom platforms — one customized for dating and SmartLink offers — offering over 3,000 offers for any geographical location. Olimob accepts all types of traffic except for fraud and motivated traffic, and it provides WebView apps for Facebook and Google UAC. Additionally, the platform collaborates within various partnership strategies, including CPA, CPL SOI/DOI, CPI, CPS, and RevShare.

Payouts are available from $300 and can be processed through payment systems such as wire transfer, Capitalist, PayPal, WebMoney, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, USDT (Tether), and Litecoin.

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