10 affiliate directories to submit your program to

6 min

Don’t know where to pour traffic and on what? There is a cool solution to the problem. You can use Affiliate Directories. These are online platforms that collect, categorize, and provide information about various marketing affiliate programs. You can find offers for everything from gambling to nutra. These directories serve as a resource for affiliates (partners) looking for suitable affiliate programs to promote products or services within their websites, blogs, or through other online marketing channels.

Next, we’ll break down what they are useful for, how to choose the right directory, and show you the top 10 affiliate directories for finding an offer.

10 affiliate directories to submit your program to
Choosing the right affiliate directory depends on your goals. Image: StartupStockPhotos

What are directories

Affiliate directories come in different types, depending on their specialization, reach, and features offered. Here are some of the most common types:

  • General directories. Offer a variety of programs from different industries. Good for those looking for variety;
  • Specialized directories. Focused on a specific niche like health or technology. Ideal for affiliates with a narrow focus;
  • Regional directories. Focus on programs for specific geographic regions. Suitable for affiliates targeting audiences from a specific country or region;
  • CPA Network directories. Listings of CPA (Cost Per Action) networks that connect advertising affiliate programs with affiliates. Useful for those looking for commissions for specific actions;
  • Affiliate platform directories. Focused on large platforms such as Amazon Associates or ClickBank. Provides information on joining and utilizing these platforms;
  • Directories with tools and resources. In addition to a list of programs, offer tutorials, webinars, and affiliate tools. Especially useful for beginners.

Choosing the right affiliate directory depends on your goals, specialization, and affiliate marketing preferences.

Top 10 affiliate directories

We’ve compiled 10 of the best directories where you can find attractive offers.

  • Database of Affiliate Programs (APDB) affiliate directory stands out with unbiased information, reviews from experienced users, and Q&A opportunities between affiliates and vendors. APDB is growing rapidly, offering more than 500 categories to find relevant marketing affiliate programs and simplifying your search with curated lists of companies
  • High Paying Affiliate Programs. Launched in 2013, it quickly gained popularity and ranks high in searches for specific affiliate programs. This directory affiliate offers over 1,200 affiliate program lists categorized not only by niche but also by earning potential, suitable audiences, and other criteria.
  • VigLink (Sovrn). Offers access to over 65,000 affiliate retailers, merchants, and brands by automatically monetizing product links in content. VigLink turns regular links into affiliate links, allowing you to capitalize on purchases made by visitors through your links.
  • Skimlinks. Is a content monetization tool for online publishers (such as editorial websites, forums, blogs, social networks, and app developers). It specialises in technology that automatically associates product links with publishers’ commercial content. The organization is quickly expanding, and you may discover more and more appealing offerings there each day. 
  • AffiliatePrograms.com. The site cannot boast a large number of affiliate programs. To date, there are only a little more than 300 of them. However, these are proven and selected materials that can bring a good profit. It is also worth noting the division into categories and a section with the latest news in marketing. 
  • Affiliate Watch. This is an interesting resource with more than 270 offers on offer. In this directory you can, as in many others, categorize the offers. But there is a peculiarity, all offers have their own rating. From 1 to 5 stars. It is influenced not by users, but by the owners of the site. 
  • Green Affiliate Programs. The site positions itself as a site focused on health and medicine. Here you can find sections with partner programs in the following areas: vegetarianism, health, energy, education, pets, yoga. No heebling and dowsing niches. Great for fitness bloggers. 
  • Lasso’s Affiliate Program Directory. Opening the site, the first thing we see is a colorful design with a blocky layout. In the middle is the search bar.There are more than 10,600 affiliate programs of different topics.There are also sections with the best programs, Best Affiliate Networks, etc. 
  • AffiliateSeeking.com. An old-school website. In this affiliate directory you will not find a beautiful design, but rather immerse yourself in the world of the two-thousands.But it is not so important, because here you can find a lot of programs with detailed descriptions.On the left side of the site there is a search bar that will help you find a particular offer.
  • AssociatePrograms.com. There are more than 4,400 offers on the site. Users can not only choose a great offer, but also read the latest news and leave comments under them.There is also a section with recommended resources to help affiliates.
10 affiliate directories to submit your program to
Programs are divided into categories. Image: rawpixel.com

The main functions of affiliate directories

You can find an offer yourself, use the services of professionals, or look for available affiliate offers in affiliate directories. Directories will be useful for both beginners and experienced affiliates. All because:

  • Programs are divided into categories such as health, technology, and education. This makes it easier to find the right program;
  • For each program there is information about the terms of cooperation, the number of commissions, payment methods, and terms, as well as requirements for partners;
  • Users can leave reviews and ratings based on their experience, thus helping others to make a choice;
  • Some directories offer additional content such as articles, guides, and tools to improve your affiliate marketing efforts;
  • Directories are suitable for both beginners and experienced affiliates, providing a wide range of options for monetizing web traffic and choosing profitable affiliate programs.

Steps to find affiliate programs using directories

Using directories is one of the key steps that can simplify the process of choosing the right affiliate program. To find the right program, you should follow these steps:

  1. Start with a clear idea of your niche or product. Defining your niche or target product ensures that your marketing efforts are tailored to the interests of your specific audience. Write down your interests and strengths. Match them with market demands to pinpoint your niche.
  2. Choose a trusted directory. Platforms like AffiliatePrograms.com and Highpayingaffiliateprograms.com are consistently ranked among the best directories.
  3. Enter keywords related to your niche or product in the directory. This will narrow down the programs to those that match your focus. Use specific keywords. Instead of “fitness,” try “home workout equipment” for more specific results.
  4. Pay attention to commission rates, payment methods, product quality, and support from the affiliate manager. Give preference to programs that fit the style of your content and the needs of your audience.
  5. Familiarize yourself with reviews and ratings from other affiliates. Reviews provide insight into other affiliates’ experiences, highlighting potential problems or benefits.
  6. Visit the official website of the affiliate program before signing up. Make sure it is legitimate and that the details of the offer match those in the catalog. Check for agreed terms of service, payment details, and product authenticity.

Tips for evaluating affiliate programs from directories

Now that you have researched affiliate programs through directories, you may be wondering how to choose the best one. Here are some important aspects to consider when evaluating these programs.

  • Consider the reputation of the parent company. Partnering with a company that has a good reputation often means quality products, reliability, and better customer satisfaction. Research the company’s reviews, its media presence, and any industry awards or recognitions.
  • Pay attention to clear terms and conditions. Clear terms and conditions provide an understanding of what is expected of you, the commission structure, and what to do and what not to do. Be sure to thoroughly read and understand the agreement. If something seems unclear, contact program support for clarification.
  • Pay attention to payout thresholds and payment methods. You will want to know when and how you will get paid. Some programs have high thresholds or limited payment methods, which can be inconvenient. Look for programs with multiple payment methods (e.g. PayPal, wire transfer) and reasonable payment thresholds.
  • Analyze promotional materials and support offered to affiliates. What to look out for: quality banners, images, content ideas, and more. Also, check if they offer specialized support or training for affiliates. Programs that provide quality content often indicate a company’s commitment to its affiliates. Those with specialized support can ease your transition and address any concerns promptly.
10 affiliate directories to submit your program to
Start with a few programs that are closely related to your niche. Image: creativeart

Let’s look at these pitfalls and provide you with the knowledge to circumvent them.

  • Relying solely on catalogs without additional research. While catalogs are excellent starting points, they may not always provide a complete picture. Use catalogs as a guide, but always conduct independent research on the program’s official website and through other credible sources;
  • Select programs based solely on commission rates. High commission rates may be attractive, but they are not the only indicator of a program’s value. Product relevance and quality are paramount. Always consider the relevance of the product to your audience and its overall quality. Lower commissions for a highly relevant product can yield better results in the long run;
  • Excessive variety and participation in many programs at once. It’s tempting to reach as many as possible, but managing too many programs can dilute your attention and reduce the quality of your promotions.
  • Start with a few programs that are closely related to your niche. As you gain experience, consider expanding, but always make sure each program gets the attention it deserves.


How do I choose the right affiliate directory for my website?

Choosing the right directory depends on your niche, target audience, and affiliate marketing preferences. Consider directories that specialize in your industry or offer programs targeted to your geographic location if it’s important to your strategy.

What are the benefits of using affiliate directories?

Affiliate directories make it easy to find and compare different affiliate programs by providing information on affiliate terms, commissions, payment methods, and timelines. They also offer reviews and ratings from other affiliates, which helps you make an informed choice.

What should I pay attention to when choosing an affiliate program from the directory?

It is important to pay attention to the reputation of the affiliate company, terms of cooperation, commission structure, payout thresholds, and available payment methods. It is also recommended to study the provided promotional materials and affiliate support.

How to avoid common mistakes when working with affiliate directories?

Do not rely solely on information from directories; always do additional research by visiting the official websites of affiliate programs and studying reviews from other sources. Avoid selecting programs based on commission size alone and don’t try to participate in many programs at once to avoid losing focus.

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We’re not just a group of anonymous affiliate marketing experts; we’re a close-knit team that’s been working together for over a decade. Our journey began at the inception of affiliate marketing, where we laid the foundation for the very first networks and offers. If you’ve ever been intrigued by affiliate marketing case studies, chances are you’ve already come across our work.